Soy protein is a protein source from plants. Such as soybeans, peas, mushrooms, rice, and various grains. It is mostly made from defatted soy flour. Which is then extruded with high pressure and temperature until it becomes dry soy protein in various shapes as seen. Let’s take a look at how vegetarian protein is good for your health.
1. High protein
Most soy protein is produced from high-protein vegetables, such as soybeans. Therefore, it is considered a protein source that can replace meat for those who want to reduce their meat consumption, or vegetarians, including the elderly who tend to consume less meat and need protein nutrients to help repair worn out muscles and tissues. Or anyone who wants to build muscle can also eat soy protein.สมัคร ufabet

2. Low fat, no cholesterol
Vegetable protein contains much less saturated fat than meat. In addition, the production process extracts fat from the raw materials. And vegetables are already cholesterol-free. Therefore, vegetable protein is a protein source suitable for those who want to reduce blood fat or those who need to control cholesterol levels. It is also a food that makes you feel full for a long time. Therefore, it is suitable for those who want to control their weight as well.
3. High fiber
In addition to protein, also high in dietary fiber, helping you feel full for a long time, reducing your appetite, slowing down the absorption of sugar in your blood, reducing constipation, and stimulating bowel movements.
4. Contains a variety of nutrients.
is a protein that contains all the amino acids that the body needs. It also contains other nutrients such as carbohydrates, fat, fiber, and is also rich in minerals and vitamins that are beneficial to health, such as calcium, potassium, vitamin B, phosphorus, and iron.
5. Can cook many dishes.
Soy protein comes in a variety of forms, such as chunks, pieces, sausages, or ground soy protein, which can be used in a variety of dishes, such as larb, crispy pork, stewed soy protein, or stir-fried with curry paste.