Our lips do not have oil glands like the skin on other parts of the body. This causes of dry mouth and cause dryness easily. The cause may be from environmental factors or ourselves who neglect to keep our lips moisturized at all times.
Dry mouth often occurs in cold weather. It’s windy and dry. But it can happen even in normal or hot weather. Including excessive exposure to the sun is another factor that can make your mouth more dry.
licking lips.
Some people like to lick their lips out of habit. Or lick your lips when your mouth is dry. This behavior will make your mouth even more dry. UFABET This is because saliva will draw moisture from your lips and make them dry.

Drinking little water.
Or dehydration It can cause a variety of symptoms. Such as dizziness, headaches, constipation, and dry mouth. Because normally the body must receive enough water to maintain the body’s moisture.
Symptoms of malnutrition are the same as those experienced when the body is dehydrated. But malnutrition can cause other symptoms. Such as muscle weakness, brittle bones, tooth decay , or bloating. In addition, people who are dehydrated and malnourished are more likely to have dry than those who are not dehydrated. If it is found that dry mouth is caused by either of these two conditions. You should see a doctor to get it fixed because it is a condition that should receive medical attention from a doctor quickly.
Eating or coming into contact with certain foods.
Some people are sensitive to ingredients in certain foods. Or if the lips come in contact with food such as citrus fruits, mangoes, and cinnamon. It can cause irritation and inflammation.
Using certain products.
Such as lip balm, lipstick, toothpaste, mouthwash or sunscreen. These products may contain ingredients that irritate the lips.
Using certain medicines or dietary supplements.
The use of certain medications or dietary supplements can cause dry in some people, such as vitamin A, retinoids, lithium, or chemotherapy.