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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Fiber feeds “good” gut bacteria.

The bacteria that live in the human body outnumber the body’s cells 10 to 1. Bacteria live on the skin, in the mouth and in the nose. But the great majority live in the gut, primarily the large intestine. Five hundred to 1,000 different species

Health benefits of bananas.

Bananas are rich in soluble fiber. During digestion, soluble fiber dissolves in liquid to form a gel. This may also contribute to a banana’s sponge-like texture fruits. Unripe (green) bananas also contain resistant starch, a type of fiber that your body does not digest. Together, these two types of

Enough sleep can be dangerous.

Not getting enough sleep can be dangerous for yourself and others. When we’re tired, our ability to focus on tasks, reflexes and reaction times decreases body. In fact, being severely sleep-deprived is comparable to having consumed excess alcohol. Concerningly, the Centers for Disease Control and

Reasons to Get More Sleep.

Regularly sleep less than seven hours at night can put your health and safety at risk. Which is why it’s essential that you prioritize and protect your sleep on a daily basis. May help you maintain or lose weight. Numerous studies have associated short sleep.

What are the benefits of soy protein?

Soy protein is a protein source from plants. Such as soybeans, peas, mushrooms, rice, and various grains. It is mostly made from defatted soy flour. Which is then extruded with high pressure and temperature until it becomes dry soy protein in various shapes as seen.

Choose the color of the dragon fruit flesh.

Dragon fruit has both white flesh, red flesh, and yellow flesh, which provide similar nutritional value. However, each variety has slightly different strengths fruit as follows: White : Pink-skinned dragon fruit with white flesh is the easiest variety to find. สมัคร ufabet  It contains various nutrients

How to consume cold-pressed juice to get the most benefits?

 Cold-pressed juice is another healthy drink that if we drink it properly and take care of other aspects of our health, we will get the most health benefits. 1. Choose fruits that are low in sugar.            If you are making cold-pressed juice at home,

What is apple cider?

          Apple cider vinegar is a type of fermented vinegar that uses apples or other fruits to make juice and then ferment with yeast and sugar to produce acetic acid, which gives apple cider its sweet and sour taste and unique aroma.

Treats wrinkles, removes wrinkles solution to wrinkles sensitive skin.

Treats wrinkles, removes wrinkles, the solution to wrinkles from sensitive skin. Wrinkled skin is a problem that destroys women’s confidence. Especially girls with sensitive skin. The more wrinkles you can see, they are clearer than normal skin. Even though I cover up with makeup, I have a

Diabetes in children Things parents should know

Diabetes in children Things parents should know diabetes in children This is another disease that parents often don’t expect. It can be found in children who are less than 1 year old. The main cause of diabetes is a lack of insulin. or impaired insulin